Why Invest In Chicken Production in Africa

Living in a Sub-Saharan can be a lot harsh. In a country full of barren lands it can be hard to relocate a source of protein, making a product like chicken hard to come by as the people of general cannot afford it, making it available to only a specific line of affluent people.

Why is it difficult

As mostly unexplored the Sub-Saharan hold potential opportunities for development that is if operated properly. Maybe we will see Africa fully independent and fully developed in the days to come. But life in the Sub-Saharan does not favor its occupants. The majority of the people live under the poverty line making it difficult for them to purchase a product like chicken. Poultry is a necessary source of protein in a place like Sub-Sahara. So living under the poverty line does not help when protein consumption is a must. Poultry is dominant when it comes to protein and with very few people having access to this the majority of people fall a victim due to the lack of protein.

What do the statistics say?

The average consumption of poultry around the world is about 14.5 kilograms per capita according to research in the year 2011-2012. Where in a country like the U.S the rate is almost 50 kilos per head but the numbers are very light when we look at the Sub-Saharan regions where it is only 3.5 kilograms per capita according to FAO with the price per kilo being from 5$ to 8$. This price portrays a heavy impact on the people who earn only about 1.25$ a day this making the situation more complex than it is.

The issue

The primary reason for the high rate of poultry is because the majority of the products have to import from overseas causing a price hike. But there is good news; if the production is managed domestically the price can be reduced making it affordable for the people in general line.

Benefits of investment

Investing in this product is beneficial not only for the investor but also for the common society in the sub-regions. It’ll provide necessary proteins for the locals as well as creating job opportunities, providing quality products in an affordable budget and doubling the invest.


Despite the investment is beneficial, there are a lot of challenges such as the lack of facilities, digging up holes for water, locating proper vehicles, finding sustainable energy, training men and being cautious about various diseases that can spread.