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7 Steps For A Successful Box To Microsoft 365 Migration

Shifting from Box to Office or Microsoft 365 is the new trend for many start-ups and medium-sized companies. So, as the action manager of your firm, you should know the right ways to jump on this bandwagon. The new trend of Box to Microsoft 365 migration is highly reliable and easy. 

7 Steps For Successful Box To Microsoft 365 Migration Service Are As Mentioned Below:

Explore the current cloud sites and migration tools available online:

Every cloud-based service, especially for migration, is different. Check each cloud-based service plan and pricing. Similarly, check the migration tools which you buy and use online. 

Set your company’s priorities and budget right, and then choose the best tool to hop onto Microsoft 365. 

Choose the right infrastructure for Box to Microsoft or Office 365 migration:

There are plenty of infrastructure packages available online. Not one solution fits all as every company and their migrations needs are different. First, know the data size, confidentiality level, data fragments, and data volume. 

Know whether your company wants to focus on the migration of high-volume data or highly sensitive data. Check if you can get the migration infrastructure that offers a blend. Though, make sure you don’t ruin your firm’s monthly or yearly spending budget over this. 

Finalize the migration dates:

Certain migration processes take time. That can be from a day to a week or more. It depends on the type of data, its volume, and sensitivity. So, you have to schedule a plan for the migration in advance. 

That is to avoid any business operation loss. You can prepare your functional heads and employees about it in advance. Tell them not to load any new information on the server when it’s being migrated.

This planning of Box to office 365 migration also helps in playing the level field with your team’s performance. It won’t dip or suffer. They would know how to perform their daily tasks and complete the migration goals.

Get the CSV files ready:

Migration of your company’s data is simple with auto-mapping where the source and the final destination are defined. However, where paths are complex, the migration of employee and employer data isn’t easy. It includes the migration of data from the main folder to the sub-folders. The auto-mapping won’t work there.

That’s when you get into manual mapping. Create layouts for manual mapping with CSV files. Ensure you are creating the right path and destination of these CSV files as you share these files from Box to OneDrive. Then, validate the path with standard file syntax on the migration tool. 

Initiate the migration from Box to Microsoft 365:

After verifying all parameters on the migration tool, ensure to add all employees and employers to it. They will then be automatically notified as the migration starts. 

Also, ensure that new users on the Microsoft 365 log in at least once to find the allocation of their storage, tools, features, and other utilities. 

In other words, you need to have provision for the Microsoft 365 accounts, new or old. Often, these are also termed as destination Microsoft 365 users. Their provision is the final step to initiate the migration on the tool. 

Keep a vigilance on the migration updates:

Keep monitoring the migration progress. Assign supervisors for that as there could be an error in the middle of the process at any time. It could be due to reasons like a slow or faulty server, bandwidth, a glitch in the tool, heating up of the system, or anything else. 

So, the supervisor must be savvy with the cloud-based systems and the migration process. Otherwise, ensure that you receive regular emails on the important updates regarding the migration process. 

If you have any doubts, connect on a call with the migration team of technicians. Plus, keep documenting the entire migration process. You can also get the provision to download migration reports from the latest migration tools. 

Wrap up the one-time migration and check data for another one:

Once complete, check the migrated data. Ensure that everything is intact and assigned roles are clear on Microsoft 365. If there’s any error, go back to migration reports or initiate a call with the migration team. 

If there are several migrations lined up, wrap one the first one and begin the same cycle for the next one. These migrations are usually called incremental or delta migrations. 

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