Category Archives: Tech

DID:UNCONF AFRICA: Reshaping Digital Identity in the SADC

Cape Town will host an important gathering on digital identity initiatives and innovation in the SADC region at the end of September. Local digital identity start-up, DIDx is proud to announce that they, together with the renowned Internet Identity Workshop (IIW), will host DID:UNCONF AFRICA, a groundbreaking event set to revolutionise the digital identity landscape in the SADC region. This two-day open space ‘unconference’ will take place on 25 to 26 September at the Hasso Plattner Design School at UCT, following in the footsteps of its inspiration, the Internet Identity Workshop (IIW), held twice a year in Silicon Valley since 2005.

Metrofile Cloud launches EverFiles: Transforming cloud storage in South and East Africa

In a strategic move to cater to the burgeoning demand for secure and efficient cloud storage solutions, Metrofile Cloud today announced the official rollout of EverFiles, a cloud storage platform designed for businesses across South Africa and East Africa.

Maximising financial efficiency: The benefits of Agile software development

In the fast-paced world of software development, staying ahead of the curve means embracing methodologies that enhance productivity and optimise financial planning. One approach that has become popular is the Agile methodology. By prioritising flexibility, collaboration and iterative progress, Agile revolutionises the way software is built with significant advantages in project budgeting, resource planning and financial management.