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Ethel Kuuya: Visionary Leader, Founder, Author and CEO of Advisory Kulture

Ethel Kuuya: Visionary Leader, Founder, Author and CEO of Advisory Kulture.

As an influential leader, Ethel presents a visionary philosophy that can inspire the next generation. Her transformative approach sets a new standard for leadership, which is crucial for nurturing future leaders. Her consulting firm, Advisory Kulture, offers successful leadership training that has been effective across various sectors.

  1. What type of business do you run?

I run a consulting firm named Advisory Kulture. We specialise in providing strategic advice and tailored solutions to help businesses navigate complex challenges and achieve their goals.

  1. How long has your business been running for?

Advisory Kulture has been operating successfully for 10 years, during which we have built a solid reputation for delivering high-quality consulting services.

  1. What motivated you to start your own business?

I was driven by the desire to create a unique consulting brand that stands out in the industry. I wanted to offer a different perspective and approach, combining innovation with practical strategies to deliver exceptional value to our clients.

  1. What steps did you take to get you going?

The journey began with meticulous planning and a clear vision for the business. I remained adaptable and open to change, ensuring that we could pivot and evolve as needed to meet the demands of our clients and the market.

  1. What would you say is the most effective way to raise awareness of your business and bring in new clients?

Thought leadership has been incredibly effective. By speaking at industry events and conferences, and consistently delivering quality work, we’ve been able to establish our credibility and attract new clients.

  1. What challenges did you face in your business and how did you overcome them?

Challenges are a constant in any business. I focus on maintaining a strong mental readiness to tackle problems creatively and find alternative solutions. This mindset helps me stay resilient and proactive.

  1. Do you have habits or routines that set you up for success?

Yes, staying focused on the big picture is crucial for me. This helps in aligning daily actions with long-term goals, ensuring consistent progress.

  1. How do you face a challenge?

I prefer not to dwell on challenges. Instead, I focus on the opportunities they present and work towards finding effective solutions.

  1. What was the most courageous thing you have done as an entrepreneur?

One of the most courageous actions was to keep pushing forward during tough times. Perseverance and determination are key to overcoming adversity in business.

  1. What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

The best advice I received was to focus and work hard. Success has no shortcuts; it is the result of consistent effort and dedication.

  1. What does your typical day look like?

I start my day by setting clear intentions, followed by some exercise to energise myself. Then, I dive into my scheduled tasks and meetings as outlined in my diary.

  1. When things get tough, who do you rely on for help or support?

I am fortunate to have a network of wise counsel. These are trusted individuals whom I can turn to for advice and support on various matters.

  1. What was the biggest lesson you learned as an entrepreneur and why?

The importance of long-term thinking. Making decisions with the future in mind lays a strong foundation for sustainable success and growth.

  1. If you could go back in time to when you started, what would you tell yourself?

I would advise myself to act quickly when something or someone isn’t right for the business. Delaying necessary actions can hinder progress and cause unnecessary complications.

  1. What is your favourite mantra or quote to get you through hard times or when things are not going as planned?

“There’s an opportunity in every challenge.” This mantra helps me stay positive and proactive in finding solutions.

  1. Name 3 books that you have read and that have impacted your entrepreneurial journey.

Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Caste by Isabel Wilkerson

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

  1. List 5 tools that have helped you in business.

Project management software (e.g., Trello or Asana)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (e.g., Salesforce)

Time management tools (e.g., Pomodoro Timer)

Communication platforms (e.g., Slack or Microsoft Teams)

Financial management software (e.g., QuickBooks)

  1. When you have free time, how do you like to spend it?

I enjoy spending my free time with my family. It’s important to balance work with personal life to stay grounded and motivated.

  1. Which entrepreneur do you look up to in business and why?

I admire entrepreneurs who have demonstrated resilience, innovation, and ethical leadership. Their journeys inspire me to strive for excellence and make a positive impact.

  1. What made you go into a field that was predominantly male-dominated, and what are the challenges that you face?

I was driven by the challenge and the opportunity to bring a fresh perspective to the consulting industry. Being a woman in a male-dominated field has its challenges, such as breaking through biases and establishing credibility, but it also brings unique opportunities to lead with diversity and inclusivity.

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