Category Archives: Business


Gold Price (XAU/USD): Live Gold Chart, Price Forecast & News

The gold trade is one of the most popular trades in the world. Every day, trillions of dollars worth of gold are traded on the global market. The price of gold is determined by supply and demand, as well as by geopolitical events. Gold is often seen as a safe haven investment. When there is […]

The African Business Landscape: Evolving and Growing

The African business landscape is undergoing a transformational shift, with more businesses and startups in Africa than ever before. According to the latest research, there are now over 2,000 businesses and startups in Africa that have received investment from venture capitalists. This is a significant increase from just a few years ago, when there were […]

Sports Tourism: The Key To Economic Development In Africa

By Eugene Nizeyimana, Founder and CEO of African Business Chamber Of a variety of ways to develop an economy, sports and tourism are major contributors to social and economic development in most countries. There are many types of tourism opportunities that countries invest in, to propel and initiate development strategies. One such tourism type is […]

Why soft skills play hard in the workplace

With the workplace constantly changing, and with almost every facet of industry and business having experienced rapid shifts in the last three years, the need for specific skillsets has changed accordingly. Soft skills are on the rise as a contributing factor for success in today’s post-pandemic world, because they lubricate change, amplify agility and strengthen […]

African Exhibition Industry Outlook: Unlocking untapped opportunities in Africa

UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, in partnership with GL Events South Africa, and in collaboration with the African Association of Exhibition Organisers (AAXO) will be organising the Africa Exhibition Industry Outlook on 13 September 2022. Africa, today, accounts for around 17% of the world’s population. The world’s youngest and fastest-urbanising continent, Africa […]

Challenges Of Access To Finance For MSMEs In Somalia

Access to finance for MSMEs in Somalia has become an issue since the state lacked an effective government to cater for the financial services. Therefore, the willingness to offer such exceptional services became paramount, leading to the emergence of private financial institutions in Somalia. A decade ago, a group of Somali businesspeople started financial institutions in Somalia to provide commercial financial services […]

Hospitality And Tourism Sectors Most Optimistic In The Latest Kepsa Ceo Confidence Index

The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) introduced the CEOs Business Confidence Index Report 2022 showing that most business executives expect a stable economy after elections, to support higher industry business growth. With the current CEOs Business Confidence Index standing at 61 points overall, the business executives also expressed optimism to hire additional full-time employees in […]

How Companies Can Leverage Linguistic Talent in Africa as Part of a Corporate Social Responsibility Program


(NEW YORK) – The future of business, and how businesses run, is always evolving. An Aflac CSR survey shows that 77% of consumers prefer to buy from socially responsible brands, and 73% of investors say corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts contribute to their investment decisions. One area where organizations can make a positive social impact […]

RCS mobile marketing campaigns in Brazil and Africa by Upstream drive 37% rise in conversion rates over SMS and 137% higher click-through rates

Upstream presents the power of RCS to boost multi-channel marketing campaigns at MEF RCS World and latest whitepaper ‘Unlocking multi-channel marketing with RCS’ Upstream, a global specialist in mobile marketing technology, showcased the power of Rich Communications Services (RCS) to push multi-channel marketing campaigns to new heights at MEF RCS World. Taking place at the state-of-the-art […]

Fail to plan, plan to fail…meeting your mining targets

By Arjen de Bruin, Managing Director at OIM Consulting Professional services and auditing network Deloitte has listed sliding productivity and spiralling costs as key issues facing the mining sector, dedicating an entire series in its resource centre to unpacking the factors that are driving productivity down while costs go up. While it lists several intrinsic and extrinsic […]