Friday, November 22African Digital Business Magazine

Tag: neutrinos

Neutrino Energy Solves Off-Grid Electrification Problems
Energy, Green Energy

Neutrino Energy Solves Off-Grid Electrification Problems

In 1935, President Roosevelt created the Rural Electrification Administration, which helped millions of Americans in remote communities gain access to electricity for the first time. Since then, similar projects have been undertaken around the world, but nearly a billionĀ  people worldwide still live without electricity. Existing energy technologies delivering electricity to underserved populations are inherently unsustainable, but the Neutrino Energy Group has the answer to the future's off-grid electricity needs. Delivering Off-Grid Power to Remote Populations Physical distance from sites of electricity generation and extreme poverty are the two greatest problems facing rural electrification in the modern era. In many cases, government programs take the economic burden of electrification....