Tag Archives: southern Africa

The role of tourism employment in poverty reduction and community perceptions of conservation and tourism in southern Africa

  Journal of Sustainable Tourism Volume 20, Issue 3, 2012 Special Issue: Tourism and Poverty Reduction: theory and practice in less economically developed countries By Susan Lynne Snyman Abstract High-end ecotourism operations in African protected areas often claim to share the benefits of ecotourism with surrounding rural communities through employment as well as “trickle down” […]

Clean Power Africa in Cape Town to focus on new opportunities in hydro and solar industries

South African Energy Minister Dipuo Peters to welcome delegates The Clean Power Africa conference and exhibition in Cape Town in September will focus on new opportunities in the clean energy sectors such as retrofitting hydropower to current dams and helping the mining industry to use excess water to provide onsite power. South Africa’s Energy Minister […]

Report says Southern Africa’s development is not integrated

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, June 21, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A new report by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) says while the linkages between the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development are well understood within Southern Africa, the subregion has not adopted an integrated approach to development. The report, “Progress towards […]