Category Archives: Fintech

Fintech Africa

2021 will demand continued user experience and change management focus according to e4

A dogged commitment to change execution is how businesses will survive in 2021, according to Grant Phillips CEO of fintech specialist, e4. He says the Covid-19 pandemic wreaked industry-wide havoc, the headwinds of which will continue to blow for years to come, leaving businesses in an almost permanent state of evolution and change. “Despite the […]

South African Fintech enabler, Ukheshe Technologies, confirm global expansion

Leading South African digital fintech enablement provider, Ukheshe Technologies has confirmed it is expanding its operations internationally. Having established itself as a formidable payment technology specialist within the B2B sector, the company has set its sights on the Middle East, Europe and Asia Pacific. The move comes on the back of several successful high-profile projects and partnerships […]

Immense impact of 4IR technologies on African economies to be addressed through South African lawyer’s World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution fellowship

Ashlin Perumall, Senior Associate at Baker McKenzie in Johannesburg, South Africa, has taken up the role of Fellow at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) in San Francisco. As part of his C4IR Fellowship, Perumall has joined the blockchain and digital currency working group, working on the legal and […]

Telephonic payment solution helps companies deal with Covid-19 challenges

VerPay enables verbal commerce as businesses adapt to serve their customers in contactless ways The novel Coronavirus has necessitated the need for a sharp step change across nearly every facet of daily life; which has, in turn, rendered the payments landscape ripe for innovation.  “The pandemic has forced us all to do business in new ways, and […]

The lessons of 2020 are driving trends in business leadership and Fintech for 2021, says Innovate1Pay Chairman Mahmood Ahmadu

Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Chairman of Nigerian Fintech firm Innovate1Pay, Mahmood Ahmadu has shared his vision for 2021, as businesses reopen in the new normal. Drawing on the pragmatic leadership required in a highly disruptive 2020, and the positive impact of Fintech during the crisis, Mr Ahmadu believes that the building on these lessons will be […]

Dubai’s IBC Group to partner with ARTIFI, pledges 10,000 Bitcoin to empower women artists globally through digital tokenization of artwork

Left to right - Reshmeen Hooda, Co-Chairperson IBC Group & Nazima Khan, Founder, Artifi Gallery

Dubai’s IBC Group has announced that it will partner with the Artifi Collection, an exclusive art gallery based in Canada that promotes the work of women artists and indigenous communities, to create Blockchain-based tokens that allow artwork to be sold and traded. The initiative aims to financially empower artists from around the world, through a […]

Bill Payment Trends in 2021

Of all the technology sectors to have prospered amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the online payment space has emerged as one of the most influential, following the call for social distancing and demand for contactless payment solutions. “In fact, the Global Payments Report for 2020 published by McKinsey & Co. found that the digital payments sector […]

Five Tech Megatrends that can Transform African economies in 2021 and beyond

Photo Credit: Scott Webb (

The world has been experiencing massive digital disruption with the relentless rollout and adoption of disruptive and innovative technologies. Embracing digital disruption is daunting, since it is extremely unsettling with the rapid change brought about within societies and the severe impact on unskilled labor. Even if the African continent will not be spared by digital […]

Fighting Fraud in 2021

Photo Credit: Tima Miroshnichenko (

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a drastic impact not only on people’s health and wellbeing, but on that of businesses too. This was especially poignant for many companies that had to venture into the online world for the first time. Unsurprisingly, the uncertainty that coincided with the sudden digital migration created the perfect opportunity for […]

Development Trend of African Startups and Fintech Pexels

Africa is a land of opportunity long neglected. It is unique and the diversity in cultures may make it difficult for something new to be accepted in society. However, the scenario has changed and African markets have started to gain attention from the past couple of years. Therefore, we can see the rise of African startups as […]

Why is the fintech industry flourishing in Africa in 2020?

South Africa is moving very fast in the direction of the FinTech industry. The country is very determined not to be behind the whole show. They are also relaxing the regulations in order to help the flourishing of the FinTech industry. How South African FinTech development is transforming the foreign exchange landscape In South Africa, […]

N’Gunu Tiny on How blockchain funding will disrupt the games industry in Africa

N'Gunu Tiny - games industry in Africa

N’Gunu Tiny, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Emerald Group is an expert in Fintech, blockchain and innovative tech. Here’s his take on the impact blockchain could have on the gaming industry in Africa and around the world. The global gaming industry is one of the few that has managed to thrive in 2020. Lockdown […]

How Fintech can help secure the world from the economic impact of viral pandemics

The coronavirus pandemic continues to turn the world and our lives upside down, with the outbreak forcing governments to put into place measures that reduce the risk of contamination, and focus on pre-emptive processes.  The strain on the economy is palpable, and is an impending catastrophe that could exceed the crash of 2008, and the Great […]

How fintechs are making Africa a leading global Innovation Hub

Image by i_am_zews

In a continent where over 60% of the adult population is unbanked and the financial sector is considerably underdeveloped, fintech has been a welcomed revolution that is seen to be boosting Africa’s financial infrastructure. With a growing population, an increasing rate of mobile and internet penetration, combined with a substantial need for financial inclusion, Africa […]

The Human Touch: Biometrics Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


By Christian Fredrikson, CEO, Fingerprints For thousands of years, humanity has used fingers to express itself. Crossing one’s index and middle fingers in the West means good luck, India’s intricate hand mudras indicate everything from no fear to reverence, and a thumb down signalled bad news for Rome’s gladiators. Today, however, we’re doing even more […]

Biometric payments – forget sensor size, focus on performance

African Business News

By Jonas Nilsson, Product Manager at Fingerprints Biometric authentication has come a long way in recent years. Launched in the first Android smartphone almost five years ago, fingerprint touch sensors have quickly overtaken PIN as consumers’ preferred authentication method. Now, demand for the same level of security and seamless UX is growing across other payments […]

Consolidation of the fintech ecosystem in Africa, Good or Bad?

‘Mobile money’ used to be a catch-all phrase, describing everything from consumer wallets to building agent networks, lending, and international remittances. However, African fintech has gradually matured into an industry with specialist roles, and more players in the market every year. This shift has seen more companies take on niche roles. This makes strong partnerships […]