Tag Archives: Blue Robot

The Future of Facebook: Will the oldest surviving social media platform remain relevant?

Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is today the oldest surviving social media platform. But with more and more platforms entering the market, will it go the way of MySpace and MxIt? Kyle Oosthuizen, Chief Operating Officer at Blue Robot, the leading provider of socially powered messaging solutions, doesn’t believe it will. “Because of Facebook’s development […]

Chatbots: The solution to SA’s service delivery woes?

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni recently said that communities and businesses are becoming increasingly intolerant of municipalities that can neither deliver basic services nor conduct their administration effectively[i]. With lack of employee capacity being one of the root causes of poor service delivery[ii], Kyle Oosthuizen, Chief Operating Officer at Blue Robot, believes that chatbots could be a solution. […]