Tag Archives: customer data

Third-party cookies are crumbling

We are witnessing a pivotal moment in the digital landscape as third-party cookies are becoming obsolete. This shift, underscored by Google’s announcement to discontinue third-party cookies in the third quarter of 2024, has profound implications for marketers, advertisers, and consumers alike. With the convergence of stringent data privacy laws and heightened consumer privacy concerns, the era of relying on third-party cookies is giving way to a new paradigm centered around first-party data. This change not only empowers consumers with enhanced privacy controls but also challenges marketers to recalibrate their strategies.

Half of enterprises cannot trust their CRM data for a single source of truth on customers

Independent research shows firms are lacking basic data management capabilities; CRM data is of limited use Half of large enterprises worldwide (47%) feel they cannot rely on their CRM data to provide a single source of truth regarding customer data, according to the State of Enterprise CRM Data Management: 2021 study released in October. Commissioned […]