Friday, November 22African Digital Business Magazine

Tag: Hire

Business, South Africa News

Know the person behind the CV and the partner pitch

Businesses can’t afford bad hires or dubious business partners, so why are they still happening? A key new hire or business partner can have a significant impact on a company – for better or worse. Knowing the facts behind the polished CV or perfect partner pitch should be a non-negotiable, says Sameer Kumandan, Managing Director of SearchWorks, an innovative data platform that allows users to conduct live, accurate searches on individuals and companies and in-depth KYC checks online. It's an all too common but avoidable scenario: A company decides to recruit for a crucial management position, or an entrepreneur seeks out a business partner, hoping new skills will foster much-needed growth. The process involves advertising the role, networking, sifting through dozens of CVs, identifyin...