Tag Archives: PAYM8

Bridging the financial inclusion gap in South Africa requires simplicity and affordability

Financial inclusion remains a major challenge in South Africa, where millions of people remain outside the formal banking system and where higher-income groups have more access to a broader range of financial services. Despite recent steps being taken in the right direction, Andrew Springate, CEO of tech and financial gateway service provider PAYM8 says innovative solutions aimed […]

Modernising and regulating SA’s payments industry

In the second half of 2022, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) announced it has its sights set on stricter regulations for the South African payments ecosystem “to ensure financial stability in a world of increasingly innovative and disruptive technology”. Though some new fintech players winced at the thought, it is a necessary move if […]

A Payment Solution for Africa That Bypasses Complexity

Understandably, merchants are finding it increasingly difficult to keep abreast of all the latest payment products and solutions that are available. “It is complex and costly for merchants to manage their own integrations into multiple solution providers. Merchants should be focusing on their core businesses and leave payment complexities to specialist companies,” says Andrew Springate, […]