Author Archives: Africa Business

An Oil and Gas Drive for Cape Town and Multi-Sectoral Growth

Taking place in Cape Town, African Energy Week 2021 ensures Africa-focused events benefit African tourism and associated sectors. African concerts, sporting events, and even oil and gas events are beginning to take shape in 2021 after a significant period of inactivity due to COVID-19 restrictions. African cities including Cape Town in South Africa and Dakar […]

Ministry Of Petroleum Launches First Oil Licensing Round Political Progress And Stability Sees South Sudan Open Up Energy Sector For Investment

Juba, South Sudan, June 23rd, 2021 – The Ministry of Petroleum (MoP) of the Republic of South Sudan, is honored to announce the launch of the country’s first Oil Licensing Round. The MoP has identified new exploration blocks with potential hydrocarbons and has compiled crucial data to provide to interested investors, operators and counterparties. According […]

Unlocking Sustainable Investment in AFRICA through AIM-AFRICA

AIM AFRICA will be a powerful impetus in strengthening AFRICA’s economic stability, sustainability, and growth. The African continent has immense untapped economic potential that presents innumerable opportunities for investors. The continent is also emerging as one of the preferred destinations for investments. According to data released in 2020 by the United Nations Population Division, 56.2% […]

Somaliland: Solar Power and Microgrid Intelligence for an Urban Power Grid

DHYBRID Technology Improves Supply Security to City and Port of Berbera Berbera (Somaliland)/Gauting (Germany), June 22, 2021. As of April 2021, the citywide power grid supplying the city of Berbera, home to the largest port in the area, is being monitored and controlled using DHYBRID microgrid technology. For this purpose, two solar plants with a […]

Fintech, Ofin, tackles behavioural changes needed to address financial inclusion

It is a common belief that financial access should lead to financial prosperity. According to the World Bank, financial inclusion is defined as all people and businesses having access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs. Sakhile Mabena, CEO, Ofin, a venture-backed fintech startup specialising in Behavioural Data Analytics, Financial Process […]

Digital Lab Africa calls on Video Game creators

Video Game category is now open to all prototypes/concepts of video games for any type of device The second phase of the Digital Lab Africa (DLA) call for applications is now open after a successful first phase for animation and immersive experience categories. The focus of this phase is on Video Games. The destabilising impact of the pandemic […]

Africa Energy Week 2021, Taking Place in Cape Town; Will Focus on Investment, Oil and Gas, Renewables and Energy Transition

The African Energy Chamber is set to host the first-ever African Energy Week (AEW) in Cape Town on 9th – 12th November 2021. Replacing Africa Oil Week, the four-day interactive conference seeks to unite industry stakeholders, international speakers and movers and shakers from the African oil and gas sector. The conference comprises high-class networking events, […]

Building resilience into the Supply Chain

The supply chain sector, and the adjacent global freight and transport spaces, are complex as well as crucial. A reliable supply chain prefigures a nation’s overall economic competitiveness and is a key enabler at the macro-economic level, as most other industries rely on the inflow of various goods. Since last year, the Covid-19 pandemic has […]

GSMA Study Reveals That The Gender Gap In Mobile Internet Use Is Shrinking, Despite The Onset Of The Covid-19 Pandemic

An estimated 112 million more women started using mobile internet last year across low- and middle-income countries, despite the onset of COVID-19, according to the fourth annual GSMA Mobile Gender Gap Report published today. Nevertheless, 234 million fewer women than men access mobile internet. Moreover, the underlying gender gap in mobile ownership persists and is […]

Cybersecurity is more than a tech issue – it’s a business problem too

A concerning number of South African companies are not prepared for the inevitability of a cyberattack despite the significant financial and reputational risks, according to Ryan Mer, Managing Director, eftsure Africa, a Know Your Payee™ (KYP) platform provider. “Too few senior managers view cybersecurity as a business problem and not just a technology problem. The reality is cybersecurity […]