Monday, December 9African Digital Business Magazine

Author: Anthony Penderis

Africa needs the space industry to go forward
Science, South Africa News, Tech

Africa needs the space industry to go forward

The African continent is bound to become increasingly more dependent on the space industry for job creation, poverty alleviation and sustainable resource management. These were some of the findings in a paper recently published by an expert in the field of Earth Observation and Geo-Information Sciences. The paper titled “The status of Earth Observation (EO) & Geo-Information Sciences in Africa – trends and challenges” was published in the journal of Geospatial Information Science, by Prof Tsehaie Woldai* in February this year. Woldai is a Visiting Professor at the School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. In his research, he found that up to end of last year 28 of the 54 African countries were already engaged in the Earth Observation and Geo-In...