Category Archives: Art


Zohra Opoku Pioneering Sustainability at the Unveiling of a New Exhibition in Ghana

Zohra Opoku and the Revival create expressive, daring, site-specific works that engage people and promote sustainability to combat climate change. 

The first NFT exhibition of African art in France will take place in October 2022

Neuvième Toit, a collective of French-speaking artists, and AKAA, a contemporary art fair in Paris dedicated to the artistic scenes of Africa and its diasporas, will exhibit for the first time in France works of African art in “NFT” (non-fungible token) format. Presentation 9TH NFT PROJECT – AKAA OCT22 en-US This project is part of […]

NFTs to revolutionise the way creatives can create an income in the digital world

Non-fungible tokens – or NFTs – could help South African creatives better control the rights to their intellectual property, give them access to a broader market and improve their earnings. This is according to John Singh, non-executive director of the Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa (IITPSA) and chair of the IITPSA Blockchain Special […]

Dubai’s IBC Group to partner with ARTIFI, pledges 10,000 Bitcoin to empower women artists globally through digital tokenization of artwork

Left to right - Reshmeen Hooda, Co-Chairperson IBC Group & Nazima Khan, Founder, Artifi Gallery

Dubai’s IBC Group has announced that it will partner with the Artifi Collection, an exclusive art gallery based in Canada that promotes the work of women artists and indigenous communities, to create Blockchain-based tokens that allow artwork to be sold and traded. The initiative aims to financially empower artists from around the world, through a […]

Sidney and Bernice Clyman – African Art collection

There are many ways to collect ancient and historical pieces of art. One of the most famous ways to collect art pieces and show off your wealth is to go to an auction house. Auction houses not only have the most unique collection of items but it is also a place where an individual can […]