Friday, November 22African Digital Business Magazine

Tag: branding

Good customer retention tactics translate to brand loyalty and profitability for SMEs
Business, South Africa News

Good customer retention tactics translate to brand loyalty and profitability for SMEs

There is a good reason why the saying goes “first impressions last” and this is particularly important for small businesses. Once they’ve connected with a new customer, businesses should focus on offering high-quality delivery over the long-term. It begins with a client's first interaction with businesses or brands and continues throughout the lifetime of the relationship. According to Tom Stuart, Chief Marketing Officer of SME lender, Lulalend, there are five practical ways in which businesses can improve customer retention. Managing expectations, ensuring top-of-mind awareness, good communication, implementing support measures, and putting in place a rewards program. Stuart explains that top-of-mind awareness is a key metric in the development of sound retention strategies and will ultim...
Main, South Africa News

The Trouble with Branding Things African …

James Maposa Director Consultant Intergroup Brand Science (formerly Interbrand Africa) I’ve often heard people describe products and services coming out of our continent as African. Examples include African attire, African cuisine, African print and so on. For those who’ve been lucky enough to have travelled our beloved continent you’d understand the problems that come with blanket branding or making the secondary branding your primary branding. To plead my case, I’ll start off with the fact that Africa is made up of 54 countries. So when someone says that something is uniquely African, isn’t that labelling a bit too loose? And shouldn’t the African theme be secondary or better yet a tertiary reference from a nomenclature perspective. I recently read an article which mentioned the sev...