Friday, November 22African Digital Business Magazine

Tag: Employee Experience

Business, South Africa News

Know the person behind the CV and the partner pitch

Businesses can’t afford bad hires or dubious business partners, so why are they still happening? A key new hire or business partner can have a significant impact on a company – for better or worse. Knowing the facts behind the polished CV or perfect partner pitch should be a non-negotiable, says Sameer Kumandan, Managing Director of SearchWorks, an innovative data platform that allows users to conduct live, accurate searches on individuals and companies and in-depth KYC checks online. It's an all too common but avoidable scenario: A company decides to recruit for a crucial management position, or an entrepreneur seeks out a business partner, hoping new skills will foster much-needed growth. The process involves advertising the role, networking, sifting through dozens of CVs, identifyin...

How businesses can build towards sustainable social impact

By Kate Shead, HR Executive Telviva When asked how businesses build towards successful social impact the answer is easy - sustainability.  How to build sustainable social impact is a somewhat more complicated question. My advice would be to let organisational culture be your guide.    Businesses talk about culture often, but I think for many it remains a mystery. That’s because culture is not only what an organisation explicitly states, but also how it implicitly behaves.   Yes, it is influenced by the stated business objectives, organisational structure and systems, job functions and policies and procedures. But not only by these things - which is where it gets really interesting: The implicit elements of culture. This is the social community that develops, the shared experiences, the p...