Tag Archives: Fingerprints

The Human Touch: Biometrics Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


By Christian Fredrikson, CEO, Fingerprints For thousands of years, humanity has used fingers to express itself. Crossing one’s index and middle fingers in the West means good luck, India’s intricate hand mudras indicate everything from no fear to reverence, and a thumb down signalled bad news for Rome’s gladiators. Today, however, we’re doing even more […]

The future of cards, contactless and biometrics in payments

Thomas Rex, SVP at Fingerprints

By Thomas Rex, SVP at Fingerprints It’s an interesting time for the humble payment card. Card payments have steadily risen in the last two decades, but innovation of the card has slowed since the launch of contactless over ten years ago. Until, that is, the recent entrance of the biometric payment card. But what’s the […]