Monday, December 9African Digital Business Magazine

Tag: Ocean Renewable Energy

Energy, Green Energy

Neptune Wave Power Gets Positive Results Testing Latest Buoy

  Tests Reveal Consistent and Verifiable Power Generation Portsmouth, NH, October 18, 2012 --( Neptune Wave Power, LLC has been running tests on Model 3.1 of their Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) device within the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Ocean Renewable Energy (‘CORE’) – with great results. The tests have proven the viability of Neptune’s technology in a repeatable manner – for the first time. “Our goal is to deliver energy by creating the most robust, maintainable, and economic system possible,” said Steve Hench, Chief Scientist at Neptune Wave Power. “We are optimizing energy extraction from ocean waves through a tunable system that reacts to a wide range of sea states. The tests have been very positive.” Model 3.1 has definitively proven that Neptune’s tec...