Tuesday, December 10African Digital Business Magazine

Island Innovation Awards 2021

In partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative, the Island Innovation Awards will recognize individuals, organizations and projects driving positive change for remote and island communities globally. 

Why should an individual, organization or project apply for the Awards? 

  1. Increased visibility: 
  • Winners of one of the 12 awards (11 available for application), will gain a substantial increase in visibility for either themselves, their organization, or their project.
  • The winners of each award will be publicized across the Island Innovation and Clinton Global Initiative networks, which make up a combined audience of hundreds of thousands of people! 
  • The winners will also be prominently showcased on the Island Innovation website.
  • Island Innovation website statistics: 
  • 164,951 website views (April 1st – September 30th 2021) 
  • 32,462 website views (September 2021) 

Island Innovation network statistics: 

  • 37,726 email newsletter subscribers 
  • 9,354 LinkedIn page followers 
  • 4,864 LinkedIn group members 
  • 4,863 Facebook page followers 
  • 6,091 Facebook group members 
  • 12,341 Twitter page followers 
  • 2,800 Instagram followers 
  • 1,000 YouTube page subscribers 
  • 64,639 James Ellsmoor Twitter followers 
  • Total = 143,678 

Clinton Global Initiative network statistics: 

  • 272,272 Twitter page followers
  • 185,104 Facebook page followers 
  • 33,876 LinkedIn page followers 
  • 21,100 YouTube page subscribers 
  • Total = 512,352 
  1. Recognizing Unsung Heroes 
  • We are seeking applications from individuals, organizations, or projects, as well as the nominations of individuals who/that don’t necessarily already have recognition in their community. 
  • The awards are an excellent opportunity for unsung heroes to gain the publicity and recognition that they deserve. 
  • This will help to increase their recognition within their local community and share their achievements with the wider world. 
  1. Recognition from a highly esteemed panel of judges: 
  • The panel of judges is made up of many recognizable and highly esteemed individuals. This includes two former Presidents, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, and various other experts and thought leaders. 
  • To be chosen as a winner by this panel of judges will be a huge recognition for the successful individual, organization, or project. 
  • By entering the awards, there is also an important opportunity for entrants to be given productive feedback from the judges, which will be useful for future work and projects. Confirmed judges: 
  • JAMES MICHEL, Former President of the Republic of the Seychelles 
  • ANOTE TONG, Former President of Kiribati 
  • CELESTE CONNORS, CEO and Executive Director, Hawaii Local2030 Hub and Hawaii Green Growth, former Director for Climate Change and Environment, National Security Council at The White House
  • HENK ROGERS, President, Blue Planet Alliance 
  • MARIA CONCEPCIÓN, Program Manager, Oxfam America 
  • TAVISH SCOTT, Chief Executive Officer at Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, former Member of the Scottish Parliament and Minister for Transport and Telecommunications 
  • CHRISTINE MILNE, Current Global Greens Ambassador, former Leader of the Australian Greens, and former Senator for Tasmania 
  • DR. DANIEL M. KAMMEN, Professor of Energy, University of California, Former Science Envoy, US Department of State 
  • HILARY BECKLES, Vice-Chancellor, University of the West Indies
  • PETER THOMPSON, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean 
  • KARINE CLAIREAUX, Honorary Mayor of Saint-Pierre and former Senator of the Republic of France 
  1. Potential of long-term future opportunities: 
  • While there is not a monetary prize for winners, there is certainly the potential for long-term future opportunities. 
  • For an individual or organization launching a new project, having that project labeled as a good project by the judges is an opportunity for them to build their project, attract attention and increase funding. 
  • Winning individuals or organizations will be able to display an award badge on their website, social media, email newsletters, and other places. Through the recognition from judges of their positive work, could also lead to new networking, employment, or business opportunities. 
  1. Highlighting the award winners beyond the Awards Ceremony: 
  • Beyond the awards, Island Innovation and the Clinton Global Initiative will continue to highlight the award winners after the Awards ceremony. 
  • This will include a press release dedicated to each winner, social media posts, and updates on the winning individuals, organizations, and projects during next year’s Virtual Island Summit or separate webinar. 
  1. Inspire Others 
  • A major factor of the Awards is to help inspire others within island communities. Those entering the Awards will be a significant part of this.
  • Award winners will not only be bringing about change within their communities but will also be inspiring a positive change in island communities across the world!
  • The awards will act as a conduit of information, creating a knowledge-sharing platform.
