Author Archives: Africa Business

Remote Medical International Launches RMI Access™ Telemedicine and Case Management For Industrial Environment Across the United States

Remote Medical International (RMI), a global leader in workplace health and safety services for Fortune 100 corporations and government services prime contractors, announced the launch of two new services RMI Access™ Telemedicine and Case Management to address health and safety challenges found in demanding industrial environments. These new services provide direct anytime, anywhere access to […]

Protecting your biometrics is your birthright

Fraudsters do not discriminate. As we continually move towards the adoption of a digital and more importantly ‘touchless’ era, the platform for fraud increases. Fraud is a fraudster’s business and they often use the same business tactics we use in legitimate business, the difference being that they don’t have customers, they have victims. Thanks to […]

Sun City Resort to open first hospitality industry vaccination site

South Africa’s first tourism and hospitality industry Covid-19 workplace vaccination site will open at Sun City Resort’s Convention Centre, where the resort aims to vaccinate 7 500 people in three phases. “We will start with Sun City staff, service providers and concessionaires, before offering the vaccine to their family members, and finally, to all those […]

SITA acquires Safety Line to support sustainable aviation

SITA takes the lead in deploying predictive data analytics for co-innovating with customer airlines and airports to reduce CO2 emissions and improve fuel savings. SITA, the global IT provider for the air transport industry, recently announced the acquisition of Safety Line S.A.S., the Paris based start-up specializing in digital solutions for aviation safety and efficiency. This acquisition […]

Top 5 Technopreneurs to Bring their A Game in The AYO Scaling Africa Series

After months of searching, screening, and careful selection, the final five qualifying businesses for the next round of the  AYO Scaling Africa Series have been selected. In partnership with the SA Innovation Summit, the series looks to assist tech entrepreneurs in taking their Series A businesses to the next level. These five finalists have been chosen […]

Good customer retention tactics translate to brand loyalty and profitability for SMEs

There is a good reason why the saying goes “first impressions last” and this is particularly important for small businesses. Once they’ve connected with a new customer, businesses should focus on offering high-quality delivery over the long-term. It begins with a client’s first interaction with businesses or brands and continues throughout the lifetime of the […]

Reasons for getting LEI number

Following the Global Financial Crisis, the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code was created as a vital measure to improve the quality and accuracy of financial data systems to improve risk management in financial transactions. This is now a mandatory code that an entity needs to have in order to conduct business globally. Not having one […]

JetPack Aviation completes initial Speeder trials, proves capability, and begins accepting pre-orders

California-based JetPack Aviation announced on 14th July that it has completed flight testing with the first prototype – P1 – of its Speeder jet-powered, VTOL mobility platform. Trials concluded successfully in May. Flight testing began in December 2020, with two-axis tethers securing the platform, progressing through a single-axis tether and culminating in the aircraft flying […]

SA leans toward dystopian tech future unless moves are made soon

South Africa could face a dystopian technological future, unless moves are made to harness technology for societal good now. This is according to Johan Steyn, chair of the Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa (IITPSA) Special Interest Group on AI and Robotics (SIGAIR), who was speaking at the IITPSA Gauteng Chapter AGM this week. Steyn […]

Avoiding Instant Electronic Funds Transfer payments Risks

In 2020, e-commerce in South Africa spiked by 66%, driven by COVID-19-induced lockdowns and a drop in brick-and-mortar retail sales[i]. This increase was accompanied by an upsurge in the use of instant Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments. Towards the end of last year however, the SA Reserve Bank, Payment Association of South Africa (PASA), and […]