Author Archives: Africa Business

COP27: A unique opportunity to set the stage for Africa’s future in clean energy, according to Wärtsilä report

The climate change conference COP27 offers a unique opportunity to increase energy access and lay the foundations for decarbonisation across Africa, but wealthy nations must deliver on their climate finance pledges to unlock the continent’s potential, according to a new report. ‘Pathways for Africa’s Energy Future,’ a report from the technology group Wärtsilä, provides power system […]

The Africa-Europe Foundation launches its 2022 High-Level Group of Personalities’ annual report assessing the state of play of the commitments of the Africa-Europe partnership

October 28, 2022, Brussels – The Africa-Europe Foundation (AEF) has launched its annual in-depth assessment of the state of relations between our two neighbouring continents. The Report’s launch comes eight months after February’s long-awaited summit between the African Union and European Union leaders, closely followed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine one week later.  The report has […]

New Research Suggests That Mobile Finance Can Help To Boost A Nation’s GDP

In countries where mobile money adoption is successful, GDP per capita growth could reduce poverty by around 2.6%. Successful deployment and adoption of mobile financial services is associated with positive GDP growth in developing markets, according to new research from Vodafone Group, Vodacom Group, Safaricom, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Mobile financial services […]

CURBON, a SA startup, is taking a bold offset and uplift approach to solving climate change

Curbon makes it easy to make a difference, both from a climate action and community empowerment perspective, says Steffen Burrows, CURBON co-founder and director. According to billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, it is unrealistic to expect to solve climate change by asking people to live greener lifestyles. Telling people to stop eating meat, drive less, and buy smaller […]

Local delivery service experiences 100% growth in demand and adoption

 According to Deloitte’s most recent Digital Commerce Acceleration report, the growth of online shopping in South Africa is on the rise. Accompanying it, is an increasingly discerning online shopper, who chooses their online stores based on a few key features, such as low delivery costs and clear and simple return or refund policies. In fact, companies with […]

The African Energy Chamber releases its 2023 outlook on the state of African energy

The African Energy Chamber has released a report providing insights into the state of African energy in 2023. The report is intended to help global investors and energy companies make informed decisions about investing in Africa. The African Energy Chamber (AEC) – the voice of the African energy sector – is proud to announce the […]

Capital Appreciation Group and LayUp partnership Triumphs at the 11th Annual MTN Business App of the Year Awards

The mobile application for Africa’s first digital lay-by and recurring payments provider, LayUp, has won ‘Best Incubated Solution’ at the 11th annual MTN Business App of the Year Awards, which honours the work of the best of the best coders, tech enthusiasts, students, start-ups and lesser-known app developers in South Africa. The application was developed by the Capital […]

Inaugural Africa Airforce Forum highlights the role of Air Force in bridging regional stability

Day one prioritizes partnerships to build transnational capabilities and address security challenges in the region, particularly low-intensity conflict areas Panelists address the top 5 priorities for fleet modernization and capability building Focus placed on better human resource management for the African air forces Airforce industry leaders from across Africa and global defense experts gathered today […]

Flourish Ventures launches Madica, an Africa-focused pre-seed investment platform

The new investment program is targeting up to 30 underrepresented entrepreneurs across Africa who are working in underserved sectors and geographies. The goal of the program is to provide them with the resources and support they need to grow their businesses and impact their communities. Flourish Ventures, a global venture capital firm investing in mission-driven […]

Investing in software development skills is a strategic imperative for all sectors

Rather than being concentrated in certain industries, coding is crucial across the economy By Jessica Hawkey, Managing Director of redAcademy The highest unemployment rate in the world, where almost three in five youth are unemployed, and a crippling skills shortage – especially in the technology industry – exist side by side in South Africa creating […]