Author Archives: Africa Business

The short answer to long passwords

Our digital world has become increasingly risky where hackers access personal data and steal identities with little effort. It’s said that nearly half of all South African consumers have either been a victim of ID theft, or know someone who has, costing in the region of R1 billion a year to the economy. Identity theft is big […]

Are your Excel spreadsheets a cybersecurity risk?

The use of spreadsheets in accounting and finance departments has vastly improved data analysis and enabled fast and accurate reporting, computing and information storage. Life without them is almost unthinkable. However, danger lurks within and although the use of macros in Excel to automate processes can enhance efficiency, macro malware can put your entire business […]

As SA’s ICT sector looks to globalise, employers and practitioners are in search of the right skills

The number of South African employers reporting they are recruiting ICT skills overseas has increased dramatically in the past year – up from 38% to over 50%. This is a key finding in the 2022 JCSE-IITPSA ICT Skills Survey – the 12th to carried out by Wits University’s Joburg Centre for Software Engineering (JCSE) in partnership […]

E-commerce app marketers are spending billions of dollars on user acquisition, according to a new report from AppsFlyer

AppsFlyer, the global marketing measurement leader, has released the 2022 edition of its State of eCommerce App Marketing report. Within the report, AppsFlyer outlines key global trends, guiding marketers in building a mobile-first experience that will drive engagement and sales for the upcoming holiday season. Following the past few years of significant e-commerce growth resulting […]

10 trends impacting the business event (MICE) industry

The scrapping of South Africa’s final lockdown restrictions has opened the door wide for the meetings, incentives, conference and event (MICE) sector to get back to business, and South Africa is following global trends with both outbound and inbound business events seeing a strong rebound as companies look to network, share knowledge and incentivise their […]

Upstream’s Mobile Identity: Online identification and first-party data collection in a post-cookie world

New whitepaper reveals Upstream’s game-changing, patented mobile identification technology, the enhancements it brings to marketing, UX and security, and how it pushes mobile operators up in the digital advertising ladder MarTech experts, Upstream, say its new patented technology can identify up to 85%[1] of a website’s visitors allowing for accurate and efficient mobile marketing in a fully […]

With, You Can Create a Professional CV In Minutes

Both and are great websites that offer a lot of valuable information for job seekers. They both provide helpful tips and resources, and they offer a variety of services that can be very helpful in the job search process. Overall, these two websites are both great options for anyone looking for a new […]

How cloud technology can boost economic development in Africa

Andrew Cruise, Managing Director of vendor-neutral cloud infrastructure provider, Routed

Cloud technology could be a major enabler of economic development on the African continent – but some stubborn barriers need to be cleared first, says Andrew Cruise, Managing Director of vendor neutral cloud infrastructure provider, Routed. The African continent represents 60 percent of the world’s arable lands and 30 percent of the earth’s mineral reserves – […]

Breaking the boys’ club: If investing in women yields good returns, then why are we still fighting for their inclusion?

The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs According to research by Statistics South Africa, nearly half (47%) of South African women are unemployedi. This comes as would-be female employees have a tougher time finding work than men, thanks to the inequalities they face, including unequal pay and fewer leadership positions among others, while at the same […]

How To Pay with Crypto Using a Cryptocurrency Exchange?

By Cryptocurrencies are digital money with the same application scope as conventional currencies, with the addition of a few interesting use cases such as in-game tokens, metaverse crypto, DeFi crypto, NFT marketplaces, etc. Trading and investing are the most common ways to use digital coins. Besides, the application of cryptocurrencies in the real world […]