Category Archives: Tech

How to Keep your Team Focused and Productive During Uncertain Times

Omer Saleem, Director and Deputy CEO of Proven

By Omer Saleem, Director and Deputy CEO of Proven SA Big businesses grow and adapt as the market environment changes and do so even more rapidly now with the accelerating technology options. With this growth and infusion of technology driven changes comes a new requirement for corporate positions to evolve with the corporation itself. It […]

Financial Scams – How to avoid becoming a victim

Herman Lombard

South Africa has significantly more financial crime than most other countries. With a rate of 77% compared to a global average of 49%, SA is something of a hotbed for fraud and scams. As consumers and insurance-seekers we need to understand the risks of economic crime and how to avoid becoming a victim, the risks of […]

How Barcodes are Transforming Healthcare:

buy barcodes South Africa

Barcodes have become such a powerful piece of technology that it would be difficult to think of an industry that would not benefit from using them. This sentiment can also be applied to the healthcare industry – where barcodes are used in almost every step of the healthcare process. From the second the patient comes […]

Zebra Study: Record Number of Enterprises Becoming “Intelligent” with Growing IoT Investments

Artificial Intelligence

Security remains a top priority as more enterprises start to scale IoT solutions company-wide  Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), an innovator at the edge of the enterprise with solutions and partners that enable businesses to gain a performance edge, announced in October the results of its third annual “Intelligent Enterprise Index” which indicates a record 61 percent […]

Is Artificial Intelligence Shaping the Future of ERP Software?

By Ali Hyder, Group CEO of Focus Softnet Undoubtedly, yes! In the foreseeable future, Artificial Intelligence or AI would have a profound impact on almost every piece of software available in the market, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, in some form or fashion. AI in ERP is going to affect the very essence of […]

Fingerprint On The Pulse: Biometrics On The Move In More Places Than One

By Lina Andolf-Orup, Senior Director Marketing at Fingerprints We may be halfway through 2019, but as the year hurtles onwards, it’s important to pause and reflect on the latest and greatest news from Q2. With milestones surpassed – and fading into the distance – coupled with the ongoing adoption of biometrics to bring trust to […]

Logistics challenges facing eCommerce in Africa

A truck stuck in mud in Buikwe, Uganda - Adam Jan Figel

According to Euromonitor, the world’s fastest-growing economies by 2030 will be in Africa. This consequently makes the continent the next big e-commerce market. And as this positive narrative continues to place Africa as a top investment destination, the need for advanced logistics systems has become inevitable. The growth of e-commerce will significantly depend on the […]

The Human Touch: Biometrics Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


By Christian Fredrikson, CEO, Fingerprints For thousands of years, humanity has used fingers to express itself. Crossing one’s index and middle fingers in the West means good luck, India’s intricate hand mudras indicate everything from no fear to reverence, and a thumb down signalled bad news for Rome’s gladiators. Today, however, we’re doing even more […]

Biometric payments – forget sensor size, focus on performance

African Business News

By Jonas Nilsson, Product Manager at Fingerprints Biometric authentication has come a long way in recent years. Launched in the first Android smartphone almost five years ago, fingerprint touch sensors have quickly overtaken PIN as consumers’ preferred authentication method. Now, demand for the same level of security and seamless UX is growing across other payments […]

Can e-commerce be Africa’s economic goldmine?

Image by Maxx-Studio

Digital economy in Africa is snowballing, and in the process it’s creating new jobs and opportunities for digital entrepreneurs to explore a larger web market. Though e-commerce represents only 0.6% of all the transactions done in Africa, as compared to 12% in the USA and 20% in China; the budding nature of the industry does […]

How new sensor technology opens up for smarter presence detection


By Anders Jansson CTO, JonDeTech New sensor technology can bring about new and more efficient presence detection in, for example, the construction and real estate sector. The solution is a small, inexpensive, battery-powered and IoT-caged sensor that will also be able to be connected very quickly with the help of the upcoming 5G networks. Anders […]

Friday@Noon on Financial Services in Africa: 2018

by Johan Burger The NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies publishes a weekly newsletter on issues relevant to Africa. This paper is based on issues addressed in the newsletter. The financial services industry in Africa has seen a lot of development throughout the past few years, as was the case in 2018. Mobile telephony has driven […]

Friday@Noon on E-commerce in Africa: 2018

African Business News

by Johan Burger The NTU-SBF Centre for African Studies publishes a weekly newsletter on issues relevant to Africa. This paper is based on issues addressed in the newsletter. The growth and continuation of e-commerce in Africa has received various boosts during 2018. Africa’s leading online shopping platform, Jumia, reported in 2018 it wanted to make […]

Online Marketplaces Could Create 3 Million Jobs in Africa by 2025

African Business News

Online marketplaces such as Jumia, Souq, Uber, and Travelstart could create around 3 million new jobs by 2025 across Africa. These digital platforms, which match buyers and providers of goods and services, could also raise incomes and boost inclusive economic growth with minimal disruption to existing businesses and workforce norms. These are among the findings […]

Quantum, AI turns computing into a ‘loaded gun’

Quantum, AI turns computing into a 'loaded gun'

Biggest-ever DevConf opens with warning on ethics in new world of computing Quantum computing and AI and machine learning are dramatically changing the face of computing, presenting the risk of a range of unintended consequences. This is according to Cliff de Wit, former chief innovation officer at Microsoft and now the CTO and co-founder of […]

The future of cards, contactless and biometrics in payments

Thomas Rex, SVP at Fingerprints

By Thomas Rex, SVP at Fingerprints It’s an interesting time for the humble payment card. Card payments have steadily risen in the last two decades, but innovation of the card has slowed since the launch of contactless over ten years ago. Until, that is, the recent entrance of the biometric payment card. But what’s the […]

Using advanced AI to stay ahead of cybercriminals

Kohn Associates - Computer Technology_Software

By Doros Hadjizenonos, Regional Director – SADC at Fortinet Staying ahead of today’s accelerated cybercrime trends requires adding artificial intelligence (AI) to an organisation’s network security strategy As the threat landscape continues to evolve rapidly, it now includes increasingly sophisticated, zero-day malware that traditional security approaches can no longer keep pace with. As a result, […]

SA tech company tackles water crisis

“SAVING WATER GETS A SMART SOLUTION“ Cape Town’s drought has changed most South Africans’ thinking around water usage and the future of the country’s water supplies. Government tariffs and self-regulation has meant a re-think in our relationship with water and how we go about using, saving and re-purposing this scarce resource. A Cape Town company, […]

Transformation in Africa’s digital retail landscape

Undeniably, digital transformation continues to dramatically change the way we live and do business – almost daily it seems. Globally, the retail industry is one of the top industries in which we are seeing massive strides and changes when it comes to the adoption of technology, the evolving customer journey, and innovation in terms of […]

Unearthing the IoT in Agriculture

Real-time monitoring of airborne pathogen spores for M2M disease forecasting IoT M2M connectivity specialist Eseye has partnered with Burkard, designers and builders of air samplers for agricultural research since 1953, to harness the power of the IoT. Burkard has developed a piece of real-time pathogen monitoring equipment to predict and provide an early warning system […]

Technological Trends in Africa

By Rafiq Raji ‘Africa Tech’ is the True ‘Africa Rising’  Leading African technology (Africa Tech) innovators believe the African culture has become attuned to the internet age. [1] The internet-consuming culture is now fully African, they say. As they are some of the leading techies on the continent, they probably know what they are saying. […]

Hotels in Ethiopia Grip on Online Marketing

Whether a hotel property is independent or part of a larger chain, there is a need to be international and strategic in how best to boost brand awareness. Billboards are effective but only attract the attention of people in close proximity while TV and print ads have a larger, albeit local, reach. The time has […]