Category Archives: Medicine

Medicine in Africa, Medicine News

54gene unveils world-class scientific research laboratory in Lagos State, Nigeria

54gene has unveiled its new lab in Lagos State, Nigeria, capable of human whole genome sequencing and a variety of other scientific investigations. Hosting a suite of world-class molecular genomics capabilities, including the Illumina Novaseq 6000 and NextSeq 550Dx the lab is part of 54gene’s mission to enable Africans to conduct genomics research and will […]

Five Tech Megatrends that can Transform African economies in 2021 and beyond

Photo Credit: Scott Webb (

The world has been experiencing massive digital disruption with the relentless rollout and adoption of disruptive and innovative technologies. Embracing digital disruption is daunting, since it is extremely unsettling with the rapid change brought about within societies and the severe impact on unskilled labor. Even if the African continent will not be spared by digital […]

Illumina collaborates with 54gene in the creation of a world-class genomics facility in Nigeria

54gene-Illumina team

Partnership will expand 54gene’s sequencing-based research and molecular diagnostics  capabilities with a focus on improving health outcomes through precision medicine 03 September, 2020,  Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ: ILMN) today announced a collaboration with  54gene, a health technology company whose mission is to advance precision medicine capabilities in Africa through research, advanced molecular diagnostics and clinical programs. The […]

Telemedicine in Africa as a concrete way to solve some problems

Telemedicine. Photo Credit: Edward Jenner (

Tools for innovation: mobile applications, medical specialized websites for medical personnel, scientists, and for educating people in the field of medicine, crowdfunding fundraising campaigns, mobile medical cars and other innovations The use of telemedicine can greatly help in solving the problems of medicine in African countries. The creation of special telemedicine websites within a specific […]