Pioneering progress amid resource constraints in African radiology and oncology

Cape Town will (in October) host the continent’s premier medical and healthcare gathering. Africa Health Congress will be hosted at the CTICC and the three days will be filled with important discussions, including this topic which we are sharing today. When it comes to radiology, experts are concerned about resource limits and insufficient skills and services in Africa, especially if one looks at cancer detection and treatment.

From vision to reality: How Absa CIB’s new TVC champions human centred relationships

In the fast-evolving landscape of financial services, distinguishing oneself requires more than just competitive solutions and services. To achieve success, it requires a deep understanding of your clients’ needs, an empathetic approach, and a commitment to their success. This approach underscores Absa Corporate and Investment Banking’s (CIB) latest campaign, which showcases not only that “Your story matters” but that Absa CIB is truly “Invested in your story.”