Unearthing the IoT in Agriculture

Real-time monitoring of airborne pathogen spores for M2M disease forecasting IoT M2M connectivity specialist Eseye has partnered with Burkard, designers and builders of air samplers for agricultural research since 1953, to harness the power of the IoT. Burkard has developed a piece of real-time pathogen monitoring equipment to predict and provide an early warning system […]

Energy access related start-ups have been among the most prominent of the start-up scene in the recent years in East Africa

Exclusive interview with Paras Patel, Investment Manager, Energy Access Ventures, Kenya. At the upcoming Future Energy East Africa, he is a part of a panel discussion on the potential of mini grids. 1) Let’s start with some background on Energy Access Ventures and the work that you do there. Energy Access Ventures (EAV) is a […]

Africa Presents Unique Challenges for Multinational Corporations

Thabo Mpelele, Sales Manager: Southern & Eastern Africa, Orange Business Services Despite being plagued by economic uncertainty and socio-economic issues, Africa remains a promising long-term growth opportunity for business; with multinational corporations (MNCs) the world over continuing to enter into the region. When drawing up development and expansion plans any enterprise is faced with the fact that […]

Transparency is key to corruption-free infrastructure

By Peter Eigen, founder of Transparency International The first Regional Roundtable on Infrastructure Governance was held in Cape Town at the beginning of November. Peter Eigen, founder of Transparency International (www.Transparency.org), who addressed the event, reflects on the vital importance of openness and transparency for successful and sustainable infrastructure projects. Corruption is nothing new and it’s certainly […]

Why good infrastructure governance is the key to unlocking Africa’s potential

Africa’s first roundtable on infrastructure governance is taking place in Cape Town this week. Chris Heathcote, CEO of Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub) (GIhub.org), which is co-hosting the event, shares his views on the opportunities that infrastructure development offers African countries and some of the obstacles to the success of such projects.  Infrastructure is crucial to Africa’s […]

9 Tips from a Trade Mark Pro – Enhance and Protect Your Name or Brand

By Stephan Viollier – Intellectual property lawyer at Legalese A simple word or image can trigger a host of sounds, emotions, memories and meanings. What comes to mind when you think of Apple, Glastonbury, Netflix, Nike, PlayStation, Chanel, Alexander McQueen, Harley-Davidson, GoPro or Ray-Ban? Each word communicates different images, feelings and stories, through a simple […]

How Africa’s mining industry is responding to innovation

While mining companies continue to be pressured by the uncertainty that looms over the global economy, the industry is on a quest to introduce innovation to help improve important business practices. Despite the challenges that remain, the mining industry is increasingly turning to digital technologies to streamline business models, capture reliable data and improve production […]

Tourism and hospitality Industry patterns in Africa

Jumia Travel & Accor Hotels give insights into Africa’s Hospitality Industry, 2017 Tourism in Africa is essential for both international and intra-border trade; apart from serving as a major employer by contributing 1 /10 jobs (UNWTO) the sector also serves a unique role in cultural integration and intermediation, therefore cementing the basis for regional trade. […]

Nigerian Mining Springs Opportunities for Foreign Investors

Commercial quality mineral resources abound in Nigeria but that’s not the issue here. While it’s true Nigeria has been blessed with grand quantities of gold, diamonds, iron ore, a variety of gemstones and lead, among others, find the technical expertise and financial savvy to take advantage of the resources has long plagued the region. The […]

Consolidation of the fintech ecosystem in Africa, Good or Bad?

‘Mobile money’ used to be a catch-all phrase, describing everything from consumer wallets to building agent networks, lending, and international remittances. However, African fintech has gradually matured into an industry with specialist roles, and more players in the market every year. This shift has seen more companies take on niche roles. This makes strong partnerships […]