Tuesday, December 10African Digital Business Magazine

Tag: weather

African News

A ten-year strategy to support the development of social protection systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

STORY HIGHLIGHTS Social protection, which comprises both social assistance and social insurance programs, is a powerful tool to reduce poverty and vulnerability The World Bank has a new 10-year strategy for social protection in Africa (2012-2022) The vision is to help governments build country-owned national social protection systems Social protection, once thought of as exclusive to rich and middle-income countries, is being increasingly employed in low-income countries in Africa, where policymakers are recognizing its potential as a powerful tool to reduce poverty, vulnerability, and social inequality. The food, fuel and financial crises of 2008 have shown the vital role that social protection can play in cushioning poor and vulnerable households from shocks. Acro...
African News, Tanzania News

IBM Presents Plan To Speed Timely Agricultural Information To Tanzanian Farmers

  IBM's pro bono consultation also recommends strategy to improve air travel, tourism and education DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, Oct. 10, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- A team of IBM (NYSE: IBM) experts today presented recommendations to the Tanzanian government for improving the timeliness and availability of information needed by farmers to grow crops more successfully, feed more people and become more economically sustainable. IBM also suggested ways that information could be made more readily available for schools, leading to a more educated populace prepared for better paying jobs.  In addition, the company presented a plan to improve the convenience of air travel in Tanzania, grow tourism and encourage investment. The 12-person IBM team making today's recommendations, comprising indi...