France number one destination for SA travellers wanting snow holidays

Club Med Southern Africa have just released their South African Ski Report for the 2023/2024 season. The report was compiled following a comprehensive survey capturing insights to discern key trends in South Africa’s snow holiday preferences, expectations, and booking profiles.

12 African Startups draw full house as Techstars hosts Demo Day in Lagos

The event which was held at the Balmoral Convention Center, Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos, drew a full house of investors, mentors, senior operators, and ecosystem leaders in African tech highlighting the bullish and positive outlook that stakeholders have for the innovation, talent and opportunities abound in the African market.

In the race to digital wallets, don’t forget cash

Success in the digital payment space will hinge on the ability of new players and incumbents to converge the physical and digital experience into a seamless continuum for the customer. Extending the digital solution to a cash-based customer requires a “phygital” approach, writes Juan Seco, Chief Growth Officer at Mukuru.

Tech First Gulf and Invicti Security Join Forces to Strengthen Cybersecurity Across Africa

Tech First Gulf (TFG), a prominent value-added distributor in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, proudly announces a ground-breaking distribution partnership with Invicti Security, a global leader in web application and API security testing.

Carefully balancing technology and people can elevate retailers and benefit SA. The Human Face of Retail

In this piece, Ludi discusses the balance between technology and human interaction in the retail industry. The article explores how technology and people can work together to create a positive retail experience for customers.

Durban to Dublin — Irish Tech Challenge South Africa 2023 Winners to Showcase SDG Innovations in Ireland

The Irish Tech Challenge South Africa is excited to announce that the 2023 winning cohort is set to travel to Ireland for a 10-day curated immersion and networking programme with access to top industry leaders and potential for further funding.

Your hot date may be a hotline to becoming a scam victim

Technology has disrupted many aspects of traditional life. When you are sitting at dinner and seeing a couple going out on a “first date”, consider that this may be their first in-person date and that they have been interacting (dating) online for months. According to global data and business intelligence platform, Statista, the number of online dating users in South Africa is expected to reach 6.7 million users by 2028. The report adds that the current user penetration rate of dating websites is believed to be 8.0% and may increase to 10.4% by 2028.

New KnowBe4 Report Shows Major Spike in Public Sector Attacks in 2023

A recent report released by KnowBe4 revealed that the public sector is becoming a target for cybercriminals. ‘’Cyber-attacks against government agencies and public sector services increased by 40% in the second quarter of 2023 compared to the first,’’ shares Stu Sjouwerman, CEO at KnowBe4.

Daily power cuts tripled in 2023: SA government must deploy subsidised smart tech solutions in evolutionary next step to maximise energy efficiency in 2024

According to the latest data sets from the Outlier, South Africans were forced to endure the highest degree of loadshedding on record last year. In 2022, citizens experienced 205/365 days of loadshedding – mostly between stages 1 and 4. While glaring, this pales in comparison to 2023, with daily blackouts across 335 days, comprising mostly stage 3 to 6 levels of loadshedding. 

All Rixos Egypt Properties Received Traveller Review Awards 2024

Rixos Hotels Egypt is delighted to receive the esteemed Traveller Review Awards 2024 by for its multiple properties such as Rixos Premium Seagate, Rixos Sharm El Sheikh, Rixos Golf Villas & Suites Sharm El Sheikh, Rixos Alamein, and Rixos Premium Magawish Suites & Villas. This recognition celebrates Rixos Hotels Egypt’s unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled service and exceptional guest experiences.

Traversing International Relocations: The Role of Cultural Intelligence

As the Managing Director of Crown Relocations South Africa, a leading force in international relocation, Ian Pettey has witnessed firsthand the challenges and triumphs that come with moving families across borders. International relocations represent not just a change in geography but a profound shift in culture, lifestyle, and identity. In this era of globalisation, where mobility is increasingly common, the ability to navigate cultural differences with sensitivity and understanding has become more crucial than ever.

Triple win: How Africa’s industrials can decarbonise, lower energy costs and increase reliability all at the same time

In African countries, particularly those with a well-developed industrial sector, a significant portion of energy production may come from the industry’s own power plants. This is especially true in countries where the reliability of the grid is low, and industries rely on self-generated power to ensure a stable energy supply. In this article, we are offering insights into our approach in supporting energy-intensive industries to optimise the use of renewable energy and reach their decarbonisation objectives.

Babalwa Ngonyama’s Legal Battle with UCT: A Test of Institutional Ethics

In the realm of South African higher education and corporate governance, few situations have garnered as much attention as the legal standoff between Babalwa Ngonyama, the former Chair of the University of Cape Town (UCT) Council, and UCT.

Retail is in the midst of the biggest technology paradigm shift yet: Insights from NRF 2024 New York

The piece focuses on the key takeaways from NRF 24: Retail’s Big Show, which took place earlier this month in New York, USA. In the article, Peter examines the main themes covered at the event and how they could impact the South African retail sector. Some of the key points he covers include:
Expected improvements in the South African retail environment
The increasing importance of AI and automation for retailers
The need for South African retailers to adopt omnichannel strategies
The role of technology in reducing the risk of product returns

International ocean economy stakeholders to meet in SA for innovation summit

There are big opportunities for Africa in the Blue Economy. At the Ocean Innovation Africa Summit, you’ll discover what they are, and hear great ideas from innovative startups preparing to catch the next wave of business.