New wave of fraud targeting bank customers

Fraud continues to pose the risk of serious financial losses for banking customers.  All indicators are pointing towards the fact that there are new scams and an increasing number of the victims, warns Reana Steyn, the Ombudsman for Banking Services (OBS). The basic modus operandi of these scams is not new. However, over the years, […]

Ghana has the 9th highest rate for cryptocurrency ownership out of 27 countries

According to the latest Cryptocurrency Adoption Index, conducted by, Ghana stands 9th among 26 other countries in terms of adopting cryptocurrency! The study was conducted among 27 countries, which says that Vietnam has the largest percentage of adults owning cryptocurrency – 29%. In the same list stands Ghana, with a percentage of 17% of […]

Paramount Group Appoints Steve Griessel as Group Chief Executive Officer

Abu Dhabi. United Arab Emirates. 25 January 2022 – Paramount Group, the global aerospace and technology company, announced today that it has appointed Steve Griessel as its Group Chief Executive Officer. South African-born Griessel, a global business executive who served as CEO of several companies in South Africa and the United States, including two public companies, brings more […]

CREATING AFRICAN SUCCESS STORIES: Harnessing the opportunities offered by accelerators to fast-track African entrepreneurs

African startups face various challenges – from raising funds to securing their first contracts. And for more than half of African startups[1], these challenges will be insurmountable. But for one startup working on the continent, a pan-African Accelerator Programme has unlocked both seed funding and long-term contracts. When Stephan Eyeson, CEO and Co-Founder of Survey54, joined Startupbootcamp […]

Developing a quality culture across South Africa’s Solar PV value chain

By 2030, total installed PV capacity in South Africa is expected to reach 8,400 MW. However, if we want sustainable growth, we need to ensure that we develop and implement quality infrastructure for solar PV systems. “Embedding a culture of quality is vital if we want to unlock the huge economic potential of solar technologies”, […]

2022 is likely to be a good year for the Gulf economies

Dubai is flourishing due to Expo 2020 Oil prices are still on the rise in 2022, which bodes well for several Gulf countries whose budgets still rely heavily on revenues from oil. Those countries’ economies took a hit when the price of oil plunged in 2020 due to the pandemic and lockdown measures. This year […]

3 trends set to dominate African mobile apps in 2022

In 2021, the mobile industry in sub-saharan Africa continued to show incredible resilience against the impacts of Covid-19 and experienced high growth. Digital solutions have provided instrumental support for communities and businesses, boosting their transition into adopting a mobile-first approach to tackle most of the daily challenges across the continent, with fintech applications dominating this […]

Policy Reforms Essential for Creating an Enabling Environment for Entrepreneurs

Faster economic growth requires determined implementation of policy reforms to promote confidence, investment, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and job creationi. This is according to the recently delivered Medium Term Budget Policy Statement.    With this in mind, Matsi Modise, Chairperson of the South African Startup Act Steering Committee and Vice-Chairperson of SiMODiSA, together with Steering Committee members Tanya van […]

Big manufacturers need to redesign our (circular) economy

Last year saw the UK government call on all businesses to sign up to the globally recognised UN Race to Zero Climate Commitment, by pledging to go One Step Greener during COP26. With 45% of global greenhouse gas emissions coming from the way we make and use products and food, local business needs to start […]

Make a success of sustainability: An innovative incubator aimed at equipping entrepreneurs to build the green economy

According to a recent study by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), transitioning to a more circular economy can create value across all sectors of the economy. The circular economy promotes sustainability, and the sector consists of businesses that focus on eliminating waste, leading to improved efficiency and greater profit margins. Sixty-five entrepreneurs will […]