Tag Archives: Promotion

Airtel Malawi launches new promotion, Timaitha Fiesta

By Chancy Nanadzunda Airtel Malawi on Tuesday launched a new promotion called Timaitha Fiesta with an aim of enriching its customers’ day to day lives. Speaking at the launch, Airtel Malawi Deputy Managing Director Maurice Newa the promotion will see 32 people from every district winning a scholarship valued at K100 000 every week . […]

Chicago-Based Nonprofit Tackles Scientific Literacy Both in the US and in Africa

ISTG, a Chicago-based non-profit [501(c)(3)] organization committed to the promotion of scientific educational development in urban communities within the US and in Africa through international science and technology middle and high school projects.   Chicago, IL, November 12, 2012 –(PR.com)– Chicago-based Nonprofit Tackles Scientific Literacy Both at Home and Abroad Who?: The Innovative Science and […]

Airtel Malawi delights two customers with cash prizes

  By Chancy Namadzunda Airtel Malawi handed over K1.5 million to two customers who were grand winners in the Airtel Rising Stars Promotion which ended a few months ago. The two, Pamba Ngulube and Nancy Kuntha Yolamu came tops in the ARS and Lololo Fiesta respectively. They were supposed to fly to England to watch […]

Payroll System: Small Businesses Can Print Paychecks on Blank Stock Easily with New EzPaycheck Software

Small business payroll software ezPaycheck was updated with new and more flexible features to allow users print paychecks and stubs on blank stock easily. Try it free for 30 days at http://www.halfpricesoft.com Detroit, MI, November, 2012 –(PR.com)– Small business payroll software ezPaycheck was released with new feature to print paycheck with stubs on blank check […]

International business must reach out to the global masses

  By Thandisizwe Mgudlwa An initiative aimed at mobilizing the Global business community to achieve sustainable prosperity must be taken seriously. A document released from Washington, D.C reveals that transnational corporations are now so numerous and in some cases so well capitalized that their global influence now rivals and in many cases exceeds that of […]

Annual Investment Meeting 2013 (AIM)

    The Annual Investment Meeting 2013 (AIM) is an initiative from the UAE Ministry of Foreign Trade to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from April 30 – May 2, 2013 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center.   The third edition of AIM will provide a true assessment of investment opportunities […]

Airtel splash out over K14 million in promotion

  By Olive Masamba With the commitment to change the lives of its subscribers, Airtel Malawi is has given away various prizes in the Yabooka SMS promotion amounting to over K14 million, according to the company’s Data Manager Frank. The promotion, which has seen the number of subscribers rising each and every day, is an […]


  by Chikomborero Dengu (chikodengu @ gmail.com) Regionalism (Microsoft Word) Introduction There is an increasing recognition for the need to improve the political and economic environment of a country or region via collective action . This recognition is borne out of the realisation that countries or indeed regions are competing with themselves for scarce resources […]

World Cocoa Foundation and First Lady of Cote d’Ivoire Partner to Improve Cocoa Communities

  Agreement Provides for Social and Economic Support [19-July-2012] WASHINGTON, July 19, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — The World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) and the office of Dominique Ouattara, first lady of Cote d’Ivoire, announced today an agreement to develop and implement educational and vocational training programs to benefit cocoa farmers and their families in Cote d’Ivoire. The […]

Hon. Yaw Effah-Baafi to address Palm Oil Africa in September on Investment Opportunities in Palm Oil & Rubber Plantations in Ghana

With the changes in the global palm oil industry and growing demand, it is becoming increasingly necessary to look beyond the output from Asia. Palm Oil Africa organized by CMT will open on 05-06 September in Accra to explore and discuss palm oil plantation and investment opportunities in Africa. Accra, Africa (PRWEB) July 10, 2012 […]