Tag Archives: b2b

Why the subscription economy is transforming B2B operating models forever

By Jaco Frederik Möller, Solutions and DIMS Product Manager, Canon South Africa  From Hello Fresh to the Spotify, subscription services are now so commonplace they’ve almost become the norm. Subscriptions started life in the media world, with newspaper and magazine subscriptions dating back centuries. But in the last ten years, the subscription business model has […]

Africare to outline essential role of civil society, small-scale farming and best practices at this year’s AgriBusiness Forum

Agri2012 – AfriCare (Microsoft Word) Leading American NGO spotlights small-scale farming for a result-driven future for Africa’s Agri-Food sector. “Across Africa it is the small entrepreneurs and businesses that drive community livelihoods and national economic development. Yet without adequate financing or access to buyers, producers associations are not able to sell their products to increase […]

Best Global Operator, Best Cloud Service and User’s Choice: Orange Business Services wins three major awards at World Communication Awards 2012

  2012 WCA final 11-14-12 (.pdf Acrobat Reader) 2012 WCA final 11-14-12 (Microsoft Word)   confirms market leadership in customer satisfaction, innovative cloud-based solution and global service performance   Orange Business Services was awarded three of the telecom industry’s highest accolades at Tuesday night’s annual World Communication Awards (WCA) held in London – Best Global […]

Former President of the African Development Bank Babacar Ndiaye to lead Investment Day at this year’s AgriBusiness Forum.

African expert calls on everyone involved in agriculture to step up to the fore for the sake of the entire continent’s development and in the fight against poverty. 12th November 2012, Brussels, Belgium With the AgriBusiness Forum 2012 just around the corner, Babacar Ndiaye, former President of the African Development Bank and founder of the […]

Orange Business Services appoints new General Manager in Middle East & Africa

  Orange Business Services appoints new General Manager (.pdf Acrobat Reader)   priority on banking & finance, oil & gas and smart cities sectors   Orange Business Services, the business services arm of France Telecom-Orange and one of the Middle East’s major ICT employers, has appointed Jean-Luc Lasnier as the new General Manager for the […]

Annual Investment Meeting 2013 (AIM)

    The Annual Investment Meeting 2013 (AIM) is an initiative from the UAE Ministry of Foreign Trade to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from April 30 – May 2, 2013 at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center.   The third edition of AIM will provide a true assessment of investment opportunities […]

How to make money

  By Chemory Gunko How to make money (Microsoft Word) Wherever you look, and whomever you speak to, the answer you hear to all our economic and business woes is be entrepreneurial! What exactly does it take to be entrepreneurial though, and what does it mean to have an entrepreneurial mindset?   I have been […]

What’s your marketing mindset?

  by Chemory Gunko What’s your marketing mindset (Microsoft Word) Any marketing campaign, at it’s essence, is all about shouting your name out to the world, in an effort to get masses of exposure and attract the attention of people out there who are looking for you and your amazing products and services. It all […]

Eight reasons why copywriting is more important than ever before

  by Chemory Gunko 8 reasons copywriting is more important than ever before (Microsoft Word) You’d think, with the variety of tools available to us in today’s wide media landscape, that the need for good copywriting would have fallen by the wayside – but you couldn’t be further from the truth.   Nowadays, more than ever, […]